Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 29 September 2013

Week 4
It's been another busy week of growing our brains in grade 2H!
We celebrated our second star student, Owen.
In religion we continued to build community and develop friendships in our classroom.
We explored a few new centres this week.  The students are getting more independent and after we practice for one more week, we hope to start full centres that will include guided reading.
Chopstick Reading Big Books
Magnetic Mountain
Sorting Vowels
For our Daily Physical Activity we are trying to enjoy as much of the beautiful fall weather each afternoon before the winter weather sets in.

In Language Arts we read the story The Kissing Hand and worked on retelling the beginning, middle and end.

In art we created repeating and increasing patterns.

In social we continued to work on mapping to add to our lap books.

We started to explore Touchmath this week for Fun Fact Friday.

In science with Miss Adams, the students loved their bubble gum experiments.

I had help on supervision this week.  One of the prizes the students can buy with the money they earn is an opportunity to accompany me on supervision in a very official supervision vest.

In beautiful fall sunshine we did the Terry Fox run on Friday afternoon.  Mrs.  Moore wore her Terry Fox shirt in support of this worthy cause.  Thank you to everyone who generously donated to this worthy cause.

To end off the week we got to watch a drum presentation to celebrate the many cultures in Fort Saskatchewan.

A few reminders:

Library is Thursday
Reading duotangs and reading books must come to school each day so that we can silent read after lunch for a short period of time.
Spelling duotangs must also come to school each day as we work on our spelling words each day in the classroom.

Signing the agenda each day is a great way to let me know that you see our daily agenda message.

A huge thank you to Mrs. Ballentyne who has offered to attend the Parent School Council Evening Meetings to represent 2H.

Our October Calendar is posted on the school website.

It's hard to believe we're almost at the start of October!  

Sunday 22 September 2013

Week 3 
                     We celebrated our first star student this week.
We started our Language Arts centres this week. We worked on many skills but most importantly we learned how to work together effectively.
Get along
Respect others
On task
Use quiet voices
Stay in your group
Readers Theatre
Puzzle Place
Rainbow Writing
Read the Room
We celebrated our first Zero the Hero day when we traded for our first ten on the 10th day of school.
We enjoyed a delicious Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast courtesy of our Parent School Council.

In math we worked on creating patterns.

We practised Making Words using our sounds friends.
Can you guess our mystery word?
Look at all the words we made!
I hope you recognise this.  We've been practising making numbers in different ways for several days.  We're only 14 days into the school year and the students now work independently on this in class each day.

Great news!  The Kanga Pouch order has arrived. Those of you who would like to purchase a Kanga Pouch can do so at the office. The cost is $8.50 for one. Please note that any cheques must be made payable to "Elk Island Catholic Schools". The colours available are:  yellow, black (new), burgundy, blue, green, orange, silver and red.

Monday 16 September 2013

Just a quick friendly reminder that the Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast courtesy of our Parent School Council is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17th at 7:30-9:00am.  The date was changed after I sent the calendar for September so I wanted to be sure everyone who might want some delicious pancakes had the opportunity. Looking forward to seeing some hungry families tomorrow morning!

Sunday 15 September 2013

Wow! Another week into the school year and we've been very busy!  Thank you to everyone who made it out to our Meet the Teacher Night this week.  For those of you who didn't make it, please feel free to come by the classroom and pay us a visit.  Our door is always open!

This week in math we discussed attributes of shapes and buttons.  The students then sorted shapes and buttons based on their attributes.

We worked on becoming "fit kids" and enjoyed the beautiful weather on Walking Wednesday.

With a full five days of school this week we gave our selves several "brain breaks" during the afternoon throughout the week.  We have great dancers in our grade two classroom!

We made paper school buses by carefully reading and following the written directions with a partner.

This week we had our bus evacuation practise so we prepared by discussing bus safety.  We each wrote an important safety rule for the bus.

We brushed up on our math skills with Fun Fact Friday.

On Friday I sent home the permission note that allows me to put photos of the students showing their faces.  Several students have assured me that their parents would be fine with me showing their face but I explained that without that signed paper I can't show their beautiful smiles.   
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered already in the classroom and to those who have signed up to volunteer.  I'm still waiting to hear from a few parents so I should be able to confirm volunteering times this week.  Thanks for your patience during our busy start up. 

And with that, we're all ready for another exciting week in grade two!