Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 23 February 2014

Week 22!

This week we had lots of fun growing brains about the Winter Olympics!
We started out recording our medal wins on Monday morning then tracked our medal gains as the week went on.  We were very proud of our Olympic athletes! We discovered that the CBC Olympic website was actually quicker at updating the medal count than the Official Canadian Olympic Team websiteOfficial Canadian Olympic Team website.
We learned about the host city Sochi in Russia.
We wrote about what we learned.
It took a lot of hard work to learn about the Winter Olympics.

Our centres this week focused on the Winter Olympics.  
We used the Chromebooks to research a Canadian Olympic athlete competing in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.  We used the  Official Canadian Olympic Team website.
We're not all finished our project but next week I should be able to post a picture of our completed research projects.

For our Daily Physical Activity this week we competed in our own olympic events.  Curling was our first event.
Our next event was skating,
then we competed in a biathlon,
but hitting the target after skiing across the gym was tiring. 
We also did the skeleton event.
After learning about all these Olympic events the students decided to create their own olympic events.
In math we used data from tables,
 and graphs to answer questions about past Winter Olympics.
On Friday, we watched a little of the semi-final men's hockey game, Canada vs. USA when we saw the Canadian men win 1-0.  We all cheered and celebrated at the final buzzer! 
We squeezed in our Banana Split math to earn our sprinkles.  We only have our cherry and spoon still to earn then we can celebrate!
We also found time for our first team to help work on our igloo.  
These ladies worked very hard.
Here is the progress we've made so far.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Week 21!

This week we celebrated Jayla as our Star Student!
On Tuesday we had the privilege of seeing a Hoop Dancer named    Teddy Anderson.  If you'd like more information on him please visit his website at www.hoopdanceproductions.com  This website includes videos of similar presentations to the one we saw at our school this week.  We started the day with a whole school presentation.
Throughout the day classes went to see Terry to try their hands at Hoop Dancing.  We had to wait until 1:50pm for our turn but it was worth the wait!  Check out these amazing Hoop Dancers.
Tripp's mom came to help start our igloo off.
 She has worked very hard to collect milk jugs and even has Second Cup in Fort Saskatchewan keeping milk jugs for us.
 Now that the base is complete the students will work in teams to continue to build the igloo until its completion.  Keep those 4L milk jugs coming!  
On Tuesday we did our Friend O'Gram's to raise money for The Stollery.  These lovely ladies got us all organized and helped us put our Friend O'Grams together.  We are very blessed to have such amazing parent volunteers at our school.  A big thank you to Miss Adams for planning this worthwhile event. 
We worked on Snowman Glyphs.  A glyph is an activity based on a theme resulting in a written portion and an art activity.  When the glyph is complete the art activity can be compared to the legend that tells what each part of the picture stands for.  
 Once the glyphs are completed and displayed the students analyze the information and collect data.
On Friday we celebrated 100 Days of school and Valentines Day with a variety of activities. 
We started the day off with a Valentines Day dance where the students came up with 100 unique and creative dance moves.
 After our 100 dance moves we were pretty exhausted.  We moved on to some centres activities next.  The students built towers with 100 cups.
Then they made giant 100 charts.
They made chains with 100 links.
The students made stacks of 100 pennies.
We had a scavenger hunt for 100 numbered hearts hidden throughout the classroom. 
 The students then had to put all the hearts they found in numerical order from 1 to 100.
We counted all the hearts to 100.
 Finally, we divided up all 100 hearts evenly between all the students.  We discovered that we each got 5 hearts but we had 10 hearts left over that couldn't be shared fairly.  We then ate our five chocolate hearts!  Yum!
This week we stretched our brains to earn both our chocolate scoop of ice cream and our whipped cream basic facts.

I found this website about teaching kids how to be safe online that I thought might be helpful as students are spending greater amounts of time online.  We will be using the Chromebooks to do research on the Sochi winter olympics in the coming week and I'll be discussing internet safety before we begin.  We'll be referencing this website to help us be safe online.   

Enjoy the long weekend and have a very Happy Family Day!