Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday 31 May 2014

Week 35!

In math this week we looked at 2D shapes and 3D objects.  We started out using geoboards to create 2D shapes.

We did a scavenger hunt throughout the school to find 2D shapes.  Can you identify the shapes we found in the pictures?

 Then we moved onto using 2D shapes to create pictures.
After that we explored 3D objects.

Then we created rocket ships with 3D objects.

Finally, we created our own 3D objects using toothpicks and clay.

During DPA we had some fun with the parachutes.  There were lots of smiling rosy cheeked fit kids at the end of these games!

In LA we worked on our writing skills using nouns, adjectives and verbs to make our sentences especially interesting for our readers.  We started off this lesson with a directed drawing to get our brains warmed up with writing ideas.
We also worked on the "ng" sound and learned a new song.
We worked on our stamina again this week and we are now at just over 13 minutes!
We ended our week, and the month of Mary, with a beautiful Rosary liturgy.  

Reading Logs will continue to be sent home each evening to be signed.  However, all students will be asked to read and record books from home.  No classroom home reading books will be taken home for the month of June since a classroom inventory will be taking place throughout the month.  Thank you for all your support with the home reading program this year.  Please continue to encourage your child to enjoy reading every day with books from home.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Week 34!

This week we continued to work on building our reading stamina.  We are now independently silent reading for just over 8 minutes and we only started practicing on May 6th!
 In Language Arts this week we played with what we know about sounds to create new verses based on familiar songs.  

The students have been having lots of fun using Pig Latin to communicate.  We learned a song about how to use Pig Latin and then created our own verses for the song. 
In Social we finished our Inuit children research and art projects then displayed them in the hallway for others to enjoy.

In Religion we finished our Jesus Walks on Water bible story and craft from Matthew 14.

In Math we finished our measurement assessments.  
Stephie's Bike Tour was this weekend and it was a great success again!  My boys and I did the 12km ride while my husband did the 85km ride.  It was hard work but it was wonderful to be involved in such a worthy cause and a great community event.  Looking forward to 2015!

Sunday 18 May 2014

Week 33!

This week in math we reviewed what we know about measurement so that in the coming week we can show what we know.  

In Language Arts we played with sounds by creating nonsense words.   We also learned a little pig Latin.  We practised our pig Latin using our attendance.  

We read the book "The Napping House" and discussed the importance of sleeping and the general dislike of getting out of bed early and being tired throughout the day.

We also discussed our special gifts that God has given us in preparation for our year end celebration.  We used photographs of ourselves and wrote characteristics that we believe best describe us.

In social we have been reviewing what we know about working Meteghan, Iqaluit, and Saskatoon.  

In art we created an Inuit child.  We will use what we know about Inuit children to write a report on the daily lives of Inuit children.

We also read the wonderful Inuit story "Mama, Do You Love Me?" about an Inuit child and their mother.

I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!