Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Friday 24 April 2015

Week 30!

This is the first week this year that 2H did not earn any Lexia Awards.  Let's make sure we are doing our Lexia at home to ensure we have Lexia Awards next week.
We are continuing with our Animated Literacy.  This week we reviewed the following sounds, gestures and characters

In health we talked about sun safety
and safe use of medication.

In math we finished our assessment of 2D shapes and 3D objects.  
We celebrated the many wonderful volunteers we have at Saint John XXIII School with a lovely breakfast followed by a beautiful choir, handbells and chimes concert.
We celebrated Earth Day this week.  The students brainstormed ways they could protect the environment by reducing their footprint on the Earth.

We enjoyed sharing the story "The Lorax" and considered how this story might help us reflect on what is happening to our environment.  You can enjoy the story below.

 In religion we discussed how we can serve others.  We made a poster to show some of the ways people serve each other by being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Week 29!
 Lexia Awards this week!
In math we built 3D objects.  We made cubes,
 rectangular prisms
 and hexagonal prisms.
 We also use 3D objects to create pictures.

 We played a game where one group made a structure behind a screen and described their structure to another group who then tried to replicate the structure.  
 We also sorted 3D objects based on their attributes.

In art some of the students completed their plasticine pictures.  

 In science we reviewed what we knew about magnets,
 and finished out magnets projects.

We kicked off our fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Association with a skipping presentation in the gym.  We saw some amazing skipping tricks and learned how to have a healthy heart.

 We started working on a special surprise for Mother's Day.  
We had some special visitors on Friday.  Tripp proudly introduced the class to his little cousin Maven and her identical twin sisters, Winnie and Dasha.  The twins are only a month and a half old.  

Friday 10 April 2015

Week 28!

Thank you to Hudson's family for sharing this beautiful picture of several of our classmates celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
This week in math we explored 2D shapes.  We identified 2D shapes and used them to create art.

 Then we transferred our ideas onto paper.

We sorted 2D shapes using two attribute rules.

We also learned about tangram puzzles.  

What is a tangram you ask?  Check out this quick video to learn more.
In science this week we experimented with magnets to learn about how magnets attract...
 and repel.
Alberta Softball came to help us develop our throwing and catching skills.

 In art this week we worked on plasticine art and learned about the author and artist Barbara Reid.  Here is a video of Barbara Reid working on one of her plasticine creations.
Most of the students are still working on their creation and will be bringing them home to share next week.  

I wanted to bring attention to the amount of food that is being thrown out at recess and lunch time.  I've spoken with the students about bringing home food that they do not like/eat so that they can have a conversation with families about it rather than just throwing food in the garbage.  I have seen sandwiches, without a bite out of them, thrown into the garbage.  Full unopened yogurt, hummus, juice boxes, granola bars, pudding cups, fruit cups all put in the garbage.  Whole apples and bananas thrown directly into the trash.   I have recently observed a significant increase in the amount of food being thrown out.   I encourage all families to chat with their children about food waste.