Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Monday 29 June 2015

Week 39!

Even though it was the end of the year, we still had students working hard on Lexia!
Great news!  Contrary to what we were told earlier in the school year, students will be able to access Lexia over the summer months!  Please encourage your child to work on their Lexia over the summer.

 Awesome job Positive Bus Kids!
 Mr. Walker came for his final visit of the year.

 We had a terrific pizza lunch with all our grade two friends in the outdoor classroom.

 We watched the grade four students present Les Trois Petits Cochon as a dance in the gym
 then they performed it as a play in our classroom.

 We had our final pj day and class party together.
 On our last day we celebrated our grade two journey with a beautiful ceremony.  

 Misi earned the Christian Leadership Award.  
What an amazing year we had together!  

I’ve worked with your flower,
And helped it to grow. 
I’m returning it now,
But I want you to know…

This flower is precious,
As dear as can be.
Love it, take care of it,
And you will see…

A bright new bloom,
With every day.
It grew and blossomed
In such a wonderful way.

In September just a bud,
January a bloom;
Now a lovely blossom
I’m returning in June.

Remember, this flower,
As dear as can be
Though rightfully yours,
Part will always belong to me!

Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Friday 19 June 2015

Week 38!

 2H lead the assembly this week and did a fabulous job!  We were the first class to test drive the new sound system in the gym.
Students did earn Lexia certificates this week however, Mrs.  Scott wasn't at assembly this week so she decided to hand out all the Lexia certificates on Friday, June 26th at our final school assembly.
 We had more Positive Bus Kid Awards this week.  Well done ladies and gentlemen!

 We started to prepare for our year end celebration on Friday, June 26th at 9:30am.  

 The students were very creative in how they want to do this at the celebration.
 We hope you'll be impressed with all our hard work.
 We reflected on what we enjoyed most about grade two this year.
 We took home our extra supplies this week.
 Something very exciting happened this week.  The students discovered that they no longer need me.  As it should be, I've worked myself out of a job.  The students are now completely independent for morning meeting.  I'm so proud of everyone!
 We showed off our reading skills to Mrs.  Morgan's grade four class.  They were pretty impressed with us.  We showed them that we could read fluently and check for understanding.
 We even let them have a turn showing off their reading skills to us.

We helped to celebrate the grade four classes that will be moving on to Our Lady of the Angels School in the fall.  
 We had a lovely day at the spray park on Tuesday this week.  Lots of fit healthy kids running around enjoying each other's company.  The students even remembered the importance of applying sunscreen!

All home reading books should be returned to the classroom for inventory.  If you find any books over the summer please return them in the fall.  

Saturday 13 June 2015

Week 37!
Well done ladies and gentleman!  Keep working hard on Lexia!
We've started our count down to the last day of grade two.
We prepared for Mayor Katchurs visit by brainstorming questions for her.  We wrote our questions out so that we didn't forget them.
We collected our t-shirts and got ready to start the final stage of our project.
Thanks to Ms.  Labrecque for picking us up to take us to Saint John Paul II High School.
We had an exciting drive in the High School Mini bus. 
 We arrived ready to get to work!

When we got to the high school we met up with our graphic designers to create our t-shirts.

The next day we waited patiently to show Mayor Katchur our creations.

We each presented our t-shirt to Mayor Katchur.

 We had lots of questions for her!
 We had a great afternoon with the Mayor of Fort Saskatchewan!
Please be aware that the weather is not looking great for Monday.  We are scheduled to go to the spray park on Monday.  Please ensure your child comes prepared to go to the spay park on Monday however, they will leave all their stuff at school if we don't go on Monday and try for Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.  If the weather continues to be uncooperative we will go on the following Monday.   Pray for sun!
2H will be leading the assembly on Monday, June 15th at 9am.  Please join us if you can!