Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday 28 November 2015

Week 12!

Cruz was our Star Student this week!
More hard work on Lexia this week!
We worked on another measurement activity using the non-standard unit of a paperclip.
 We used one paperclip to estimate the width of our tables and multiple copies to measure.

 Encourage your child to use other non-standard units of measurement(macaroni, spoons, pens) to measure things around your home.
 In social we worked on a mapping activity.
 We identified our school, neighbourhood, city, province, country, continent and planet.  We then wrote about this and took some time to draw pictures to further explain what we wrote.  We will be bringing them home to share this coming week.

 We celebrated the feast of Christ the King this week by making crowns.
 We celebrated Movember and supported Mr.  Molzan's efforts of raising money for charity.  We discovered that having a moustache is very itchy and tickly.

We built and tested our water crafts this week.  The students were tasked with building a water craft that could float, carry cargo and move through the water without being pushed by hand.  

A reminder of our bell schedule which can also be found on the school website.  We start our learning at 8:45am.  
2H will be leading the assembly next week and each student will be given a part.  Words will be sent home on Monday to practice at home while we will also be practicing at school.  Please support your child as they practice so they feel confident and prepared to share with the school at assembly.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 780 998 7777 or lesleyh@eics.ab.ca

Sunday 22 November 2015

Week 11!
Hudson was our Star Student this week!
The students earned more Lexia certificates this week.
 In math we measured the rug using paperclips. Our rug is  101 paperclips wide.  We also measured using big feet and it was 5 big feet wide.  We discovered it was quicker to use the big feet to measure such a side rug.

We also explored odd and even numbers
We earned our banana for our banana split this week.  Keep up the great work practicing those math facts.  This week we'll work on earning our vanilla scoop.
We earned a class reward by filling another Mr. Potato Head.  We'll celebrate on Friday!

A reminder that the weather is turning chilly and students need to be dressed for it.  
If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please don't hesitate to contact me via email lesleyh@eica.ab.ca or at 780 998 7777.
I hope you get a chance to enjoy this beautiful November weather we have been blessed with.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Week 10!
Emily was our Star Student this week!
We celebrated more students who are working hard on their Lexia.

Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in fruitful conversations and celebrate the learning in our classroom at Student Teacher Parent Conferences.

 Our Monster Book Fair was a big hit with all the students and our class was gifted a wonderful new book, "Crankenstein" from a generous classmate.

 The tabernacle spent time at our school this week and Mr.  Walker helped us understand what a tabernacle is and why it is important.
 A Chapel was created in the school for a special spot for the Tabernacle to be available for everyone.

 We learned about the Monstrance.
 We prayed and sang together.

We had a special Mass with Father Ashok.

 In math we worked on some backwards number patterns up to 100.

We have earned our bowl in our Banana Split Math and are now working on earning our banana.  Keep practicing those math facts at home!
 Our class led the Remembrance Day liturgy for the school.  The students did an amazing job showing respect and remembering.

 On Friday afternoon we had a wonderful science presentation on Liquids.  We learned about materials that are absorb and repel.
 We learned about tightly packed molecules in a solid.
 We learned about the space between molecules in a liquid.
 We learned about molecules that are much farther apart in a gas.
 We layered liquids from heaviest to lightest and we suspended items in liquids.

 We painted pictures using a salt solution and heat.
 We made lemonade slushies and learned about the changing states of matter.

 We made blue rain and learned about the water cycle.

 Wow,  we had a busy week!  The students certainly earned their November break!  I hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing, fun and safe fall break.  I'm looking forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, November 16th.