Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 24 April 2016

Week 30!
Super job earning another Lexia award!

We helped the Earth this week by cleaning up garbage around the schoolyard.

 In health, Mr.  Berg came to talk to us again about being social detectives.

 In science we looked for bugs around the schoolyard.

 We enjoyed a beautiful spring concert from choir, chimes and handbells.

 We finished our Easter Eggs art projects.

 We explored the water cycle in science.

 We each took home our our water cycle bag to experiment with.

In religion we continued to discuss how we are all beautifully made in God's image.

 We learned about Japanese culture to prepare for the Japanese exchange students visit.
 We read Suki's Kimono and designed our own kimonos.

 We welcomed six exchange students from Japan into our classroom.
They taught us how to use chopsticks.

 They taught how to say hello in Japanese.
 They taught us how to print our name in Japanese.

 They taught us how to say goodbye in Japanese.

 They taught us how to do origami.

 That ends another busy week in grade two!

Monday 18 April 2016

Week 29!

These boys are working hard on their Lexia!  Please be aware that access to Lexia will end at on May 1, 2016.  We will not longer have a site licence and therefore the students will not longer  be using this program.  I encourage everyone to you it as much as possible between now and the end of the month.

In math we are working on adding and subtracting numbers up to 100.

We finished reading The Twits this week.  We don't think we'd like to meet these two gruesome characters!  Ask your child about some of the terrible tricks they played on each other and about how the monkeys and birds got their revenge.

 Please check the classroom calendar at https://stj.eics.ab.ca/eteachers/4731/mrs-holt 

We continue to build our reading strategies using the Daily 5 CAFE menu.
We have been practicing our paragraph writing by retelling some of our sound friend stories.

 Mr.  Walker came for a visit this week.  He talked to us about being Alleluia people and continuing to celebrate Easter.

 As always, we sang our prayers to God!

In health we started a new adventure with Mojo and Katie as they learn more about having a growth mindset.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 780 998 7777 or at lesleyh@eics.ab.ca.