Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 28 September 2014

Week 4!

Brooke was our star student this week.

Brooke is new to St.  John XXIII this year so it was wonderful getting to know all about her love of soccer and pasta!

In Math this week we worked on our number sense.  Click here to play Dog Bone which we used to practice our number awareness on a 100 chart.  We also worked on counting to 100.
 We counted by 2s starting on an odd number and discovered a pattern.
 We counted by 2s starting on an even number and discovered another pattern.
 We counted by 5s and saw another pattern.
 Finally, we counted by 10s and identified yet another pattern.
We played some Power of Ten games to practice our basic facts.  This game was called Face Off and helped us review our subtilizing from grade one.
 We also worked on ordering numbers.
In science this week we continued to learn about liquids.  Here you can see how we layered liquids to see which one was the lightest and the heaviest.
 We also raced liquids to see which one moved the fastest and slowest.

This is our bulletin board with all our grade two scientists in their lab coats.
In Language Arts this week we introduced Listen to Reading as our last choice in Daily Five.  Click her to visit Storyline Online and hear some of the stories we were listening to this week.
We continued to learn more reading strategies and added them to our Cafe Menu.  We learned how to access our prior knowledge to help us comprehend and understand what we are reading.  We read this book to help us practice this strategy since we all have lots of prior knowledge about listening.
We read this wonderful pattern book to learn how to cross check to make sure we are accurately reading the words on the page.
 We read this book to practice the strategy of tuning into interesting words to expand our vocabulary.  We certainly found lots of interesting words to tune into in this book!
We also reviewed some of our sound friends this week such as Polly Panda and Uncle Upton.  

We squeezed in our first Making Words lesson this week too!

We took some time this week to enjoy what could be the last of the warm weather before things get very chilly around here.


Sunday 21 September 2014

Week 3!

Our first star student of the year was Eric!  

 He did an amazing job sharing his poster, family letter, Sharing Sack and reading his shark book.  We learned a lot about this future farmer!
This week on Friday we reached our stamina goal of ten minutes for independent Read To Self.  We were all very proud of our accomplishment.  We can see already we are becoming better readers.

We introduced a  new Daily 5 choice to help us become better writers.

Another Daily 5 choice we learned about what Word Work to help us become better spellers.
Here we are doing our Word Work.

 We are currently working on increasing our stamina for independent Word Work.  We are at eight minutes and our goal is ten minutes.

We also worked on a new reading strategy called Back Up and Reread.  This strategy helps to ensure we are understanding what we are reading by stopping when we read a word that doesn't sound right.  We practiced this strategy as I read this book about even numbers.
In science we continued to learn about liquids by mixing different liquids and observing what happened.
In math we celebrated our knowledge of patterns with some math centres.

In religion this week we read and talked about friendship and our special friendship with Jesus.  

Please be aware that our monthly calendar is available at the start of each month on our classroom page through the school website.  

The Welcome Back breakfast was a huge success.  Thank you to the many volunteers who made this happen.  
A huge thank you to all our parents who have generously volunteered their time in our classroom. We are very blessed to have you help us grow our brains!

Don't forget that Monday is Picture Day!  Bring your smile!
