Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Monday 8 September 2014

Week 1!
Fall is here and it's time to start a new journey with a new group of grade two students!  

September is a very busy month as we are all getting back into our routines at home and school.  Please take a moment to have a look at our calendar for this month as we have many activities in our first month of the school year.  I am looking forward to meeting all our parents at “Meet the Creature Night” this month.  Those 

of you who cannot attend, I look forward to meeting you soon.

A few important pieces of information before we get into our first exciting week in grade two.

As you know, we will be doing Scholastic Book Orders this year.  Please check the book papers for order deadlines.  You are under no obligation to order books but it is a great way to build your child’s library at home and our classroom earns credits for classroom supplies from your orders.  Cheques only-no cash please.  All orders must be  labelled with a name in a baggy/envelope.  Our first book order is due on Sept. 10th.
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to have at their desk to drink throughout the day.  Please ensure that the bottle has a non-spill lid.  Students will bring home their water bottles each day to be cleaned an refilled at home.  
Students are allowed to chew sugar-free gum in our classroom.  Gum must be kept in their mouths and must be disposed of properly in the garbage.  If gum starts to appear under tables or on the floor then we will revisit allowing gum chewing in class.  As a class we have discussed that this is a privilege not a right.

We've had an exciting first week in grade two.
On the first day of school we read "First Day Jitters".  Did your child tell you who didn't want to go to school?

We discussed the three ways to read a book.

We wrote about our summer vacations.
In math we worked on patterns.

We also graphed our birthdays.

We read Franny B. Kranny and discussed what makes us unique.  

We wrote "Who Am I?"  riddles.

We created Grade Two Survival Kits.  Did your child explain each part of their survival kit when they brought them home?
 We read "The Crayon Box That Talked" and thought about our gifts that we each bring to our grade two class.

We painted in art.

We talked about school behaviour expectations and read "David Goes To School".  Next week, we're going to write about what we expect of each other at school.

On Friday I sent home the permission note that allows me to put photos of the students showing their faces.  Several students have assured me that their parents would be fine with me showing their face but I explained that without the signed paper I can't show their beautiful smiles.  Please return the permission slips as soon as possible.  
Communication is the key to your child’s success this year. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me at 998-7777 or lesleyh@eics.ab.ca.

Wow!  We've been busy in three full days and one early out.  See you on Monday!