Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 29 March 2015

Week 27! 

Congratulations to all the students who celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation recently.

Another three Lexia awards earned this week!
We prepared for our Ukrainian egg making by thinking about the symbols and colours we might use.

 We made our Ukrainian Eggs on Monday afternoon.  

We also read this wonderful story about Babushka and Rechenka who both created beautiful decorated eggs.
You can listen to the story below.
Thank you to to all our great helpers who came to make our Ukrainian egg making a success.

 In science we continued to explore magnets by testing their strength.

 A huge thank you to everyone who came out to conferences this week.  It is incredibly valuable for us all to meet to celebrate your child's learning and growth in grade two.

In religion we have been exploring the journey to Easter using our Resurrection Eggs.  Please encourage your child to retell the story of Holy Week using the symbols below.

 On Thursday morning 2H and 4Mo led the school in a Holy Thursday/Good Friday liturgy.  The students did a tremendous job!  

 The students have been talking about Inuit culture with Miss Adams in social.  They made these cute Inuit pictures to display in the hallway.

I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break this week.   It is hard to believe we only have three months left in our school year.  Where has the time gone?
Please check this link for the April Calendar .

From my family to yours, we wish you a very blessed Easter. 

Sunday 22 March 2015

Week 26
The Lexia awards just keep coming!
We kicked off our week with an amazing field trip to explore the bugs at the Alberta Provincial Museum.

After our field trip we set up our leprechaun traps.  The students  demonstrated terrific creativity!
The next morning we discovered a ceiling tile that had been moved
tiny green footprints were on the ground and a tiny rope was hanging from the open ceiling tile
our book shelf was a mess
furniture was over turned and moved around 
more green footprints were found on desks
shoes were mismatched
chairs were switched around
our room was a mess...which could only mean one thing...leprechauns had paid us a visit!  Sadly, no leprechauns were trapped.
We also learned about the Holy Trinity and made shamrocks to explain the three parts of the Trinity that make up one God.
On Friday we prepared our plan for our exciting Ukrainian Egg project on Monday.  We discussed the significance of the colours and symbols used to tell a story on each egg.

Please be sure to send your child with a hard boiled egg in a small cushioned container.  The eggs will be transformed into a beautiful pysanka for Easter.

Helpers are very welcome to come by the classroom on Monday afternoon as we make our beautiful creations.

On Thursday, March 26th at 11:00am 2H and 4Mo will be leading the school assembly for Holy Thursday and Good Friday.  Please join us if you can.

In preparation for this assembly your child may have brought home a reading that they need to practice for Thursday.  We will practice at school but it is helpful if the students practice at home too.  Not all students are reading as some have chosen to act instead. 

Evidence of Learning binders went home on Wednesday this week.  Please return them on Monday so that we can discuss them at our conferences this week.

I look forward to seeing everyone at conferences this week!