Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday 28 May 2016

Week 35!
We built 3D objects in math this week.

 We had an interesting T-Pet presentation on small crawling and flying creatures.
 We learned about the different ways these creatures eat.

 We learned about how they protect themselves.

 We learned about their habitats and built homes for these creatures.

 We learned about food chains.
We learned how these creatures meet their basic needs. 

We learned about the kinds of creatures we find in our community. 
A HUGE thank you to all our volunteers who made this presentation possible.   

We made Pentecost stained glass in religion.
 We made 2D shape art.
We continued to work on our narrative writing project.

 Mrs.  Laybourne has been helping us in class over the last few weeks.

 We discussed where we do our best writing.  Everyone needs to be in a learning spot that is best for our brain and body and that looks different for everyone.

 We went to Our Lady of the Angels church for mass and Father Francis gave us a tour of the church.

Students were given blessed rosary beads.

 We had some special squirmy visitors in our class this week.  Some red wigglers came to show how they help us with our waste.

 We practiced safety with a fire drill this week.  It think it was our fastest drill so far this year.  Well done 2H!

 Mrs.  Santana came to share a cultural presentation on Trinidad and Tobago.

 We even got to try on some carnival costumes.
The classroom library will be closing this week.  All classroom home reading books must be returned to the classroom so that an inventory can be done.  Please check at home for books that belong to our classroom and return them as soon as possible.  Please encourage your child to continue to read each night from reading material they have at home.

Our last book order of the year has been sent home and is due on June 8th to ensure all orders arrive before the end of the school year.  No late orders can be accepted this month.

 Please remember that you can pay online at the Scholastic website http://www.scholastic.ca/clubs/parentpay/ or send a cheque.  No cash can be accepted.

Fun Day is Friday, June 3.  Students will be participating all day in a variety of movement activities created by Our Lady of the Angels Junior High students that promote being Fit Kids and that are inspired by some beloved children's literature.  Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather and comes with a water bottle filled with water.  Hotdogs, chips and freezies are generously provided for all students by our Saint John XXIII PSC.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at lesleyh@eics.ab.ca or 780 998 7777.