Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 5 February 2017

Week 21!
I've attached our class calendar here for your convenience.  You can see we have a very busy but short month.  
We will celebrate Valentine's Day with Valentine's themed activities on that day.  Students are welcome to exchange valentines in the afternoon on that day.  I have emailed a class list.  

We will also celebrate 100 Day in class.  There is no 100 Day homework project.

Evan is participating in the Hair Massacure this year.  You can support Evan with his fundraiser for cancer patients at https://www.registrationlogic.com/secure/Fundraiser.aspx?F=18968
Cara also helped out people struggling with cancer by cutting her hair and donating it for use in wigs for cancer patients.

 Mrs.  Melnyk came to read a new Principal's Pick- "The Day the Crayons Quit"

 In health this week we further explored Zones of Regulations.

 Students presented each zone to the class.  This group is in the blue zone.   They are sad, sick, tired, bored or moving slowly.
 This is the red zone group.  They are mad, angry, mean, terrified, hitting, yelling and out of control.
 This is the yellow zone group.  They are frustrated, worried, silly, wiggly and excited. 
 This is the green zone group.  They are happy, calm, ready to learn, feeling ok and focused. 
 We made a bulletin board for our classroom.  We will self-monitor our movement in and out of these zones throughout or school day.  We know we want to mostly be in the green zones but it is ok if we end up in other zones as we move through our day.  We will work on how to move out of other zones and into the green zones so that we can be ready to grow our brain.
 We read this story about a little mouse who worried.  We identified different parts of the story.  We will be doing this several times to prepare us to create our own stories using the same elements.

 We then made illustrations of our favourite parts of the story.
We celebrated that the entire class earned their bowl this week.  We are now working on the whole class earning their banana.  This activity is differentiated so that all students work at their own pace.   

We learned a little about groundhogs and woodchucks this week as we celebrated Groundhog Day.  We discovered that the groundhogs couldn't agree so we are not sure if we will have  six more weeks of winter or an early spring. 
Next week is a very short week with only three days of school.  There is no school on Thursday or  Friday this week.  

Report cards will be available online through the Power School parent portal on Wednesday.     Please make sure you check them out.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 780 998 7777 or lesleyh@eics.ab.ca.