Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday 22 March 2014

Week 26!

We started this week off with a terrific visit to the Alberta Provincial Museum.   We participated in the Bug World program.
In one of the centres we learned about the White Spotted Beetle.
We sorted bugs into insects, spiders and other creatures like real entomologists. 
We explored bug camouflage at the next centre.
We examined food webs.

We created habitats for bugs.
We learned about insect body parts.

We discussed insect senses.
We also got a chance to see samples of live bugs with our adult volunteers.
We examined a beautiful collection of butterflies.
We also explored the other galleries in the museum.  We explored the rocks and minerals found in Alberta.
 We discovered the dinosaurs that roamed Alberta long ago.
 We learned about a variety of birds found in Alberta.
 We learned about the different animals found in Alberta.
We learned about how some creatures survive our harsh Alberta winters.

 We saw the different types of vegetation found in Alberta.
We learned about the Aboriginal First Nations people of Alberta.
After a busy day at the Royal Alberta Museum we returned to the classroom to continue to work on adding numbers to 100 throughout the remainder of the week.
Our graph this week helped us demonstrate the power of democracy as we determined if we would continue on with our class book or change the book and start a new book.  
In the end the democratic decision was to continue to finish reading "James and the Giant Peach".

We did some research on St. Patrick as one of our literacy centres this week.
In religion we continued on our Lenten journey by considering how we can forgive people to prepare our hearts for Easter.
We finished our igloo research and shared it with the school by displaying it at the front of the school beside our igloo.
We took some literacy centre time to read in our igloo.

In art this week we started painting our clay lighthouses.   We made the lighthouses at the start of February then they were taken to be fired and returned to the school for us to paint.  Check out the concentration the students demonstrated!

Please remember to return Evidence of Learning portfolios on Monday in preparation for our three way conferences this Tuesday and Wednesday.