Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Thursday 24 September 2015

Week 4!
Samuel was our star student this week!
Here are a crew of Lexia students who worked hard to pass their level.  Well done!
We did a little review of our numeracy skills in math.

 We also built a concrete graph showing the eye colour in our classroom.
 We learned that the most common colour of eyes in our class is brown.
We did a little painting in art this week.

Our cultural presentation got us up and moving our bodies this week.

Our hard work earned us a full Mr.  Potato Head which means we had our first classroom Reward Day.  
Students voted and created graph to show which movie they decided to watch for their Reward Day.  Bolt was the most popular choice!
We all participated in the Terry Fox Run.  It was a beautiful day for a run!

We played a new game this week.  It's a numeracy game called "Give The Dog A Bone".  Here is the link for those who want to play at home Give The Dog A Bone  The link can also be found on the school Destiny Page.  Here is the link St. John Destiny Page  Enjoy!

Just a gentle reminder that school starts a little earlier this year.  The first bell is at 8:40 am and the second bell is at 8:45 am.   The important business of brain growing begins at 8:45 am so it is best if students are in the classroom before that to get ready for the day ahead.  Anyone who arrives after the 8:45 am bell is marked late and needs to check in at the office.  Thanks for your help in getting our day off to a good start!

Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday 20 September 2015

Week 3!

Spencer was our Star Student this week.  
Mr.  Walker came for a visit this week.  We learned about how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus each day.

Then we did a little singing and dancing.

 Check out these smarty pants who earned Lexia Awards for working on Lexia over the summer months!

Each evening your child has the option of doing Lexia or reading.  Please don't feel you have to do both, unless your child is highly motivated to do so.

Water is an important ingredient when we are doing the important business of growing our brain.  If you are interested in reading more about the importance of drinking water when learning please visit the following link http://www.healthybrainforlife.com/articles/school-health-and-nutrition/feeding-the-brain-for-academic-success-how  
Many of the students in our class bring water bottles to class.   Students get very distressed when the bottles spill over their work or the work of their classmates and then they have to spend time mopping up the water.  To help avoid this stress for students please ensure your child brings a spill proof water bottle to school.   Students are asked to take the bottle home each afternoon to clean and refill the bottle ready for the next day of school.
I have uploaded several pieces of student work to each of the students portfolios on FreshGrade.  Please check your child's portfolio to monitor their progress in class.  The link is here for your convenience https://www.freshgrade.com

Please initial agenda's each evening and complete the reading recording sheet.  Reading recoding sheets should be returned to school the week of Sept. 28.

Please be aware that Picture Day has been moved to October 16th

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesistate to contact me at lesleyh@eics.ab.ca or 780 998 7777.

Friday 11 September 2015

Week 2!

Wow! Another week into the school year and we've been very busy!  Thank you to everyone who made it out to our Meet the Teacher Night this week.  For those of you who didn't make it, please feel free to come by the classroom and pay us a visit.  Our door is always open!
                      Aidan was our first star student of the year. 

This week we started Daily 5.  This is a way to create responsible independent learners in charge of their learning.  
To prepare we discussed the three ways to read a book.
We discussed Good Fit books and then picked books to put into our book boxes.  Please continue the discussion of what a Good Fit book is at home when your child brings home their reading choice.

We each have a book box that contain our good fit books.

We worked on building our stamina.  We are at 7 minutes of Read To Self.

We discovered that some of us like to hear ourselves read so we use Toobaloos so that we don't disturb others when we Read to Self.

The students started bringing their home reading home this week.   The book should come to school each day to be traded in or to read in class.  They also brought home a recording sheet that should be completed each night and returned to school at the end of the month.

We graphed our birthdays.

 We read "The Crayon Box That Talked" and celebrated the gifts that we each bring to our grade two class.

In math we have been working on learning math games for our Math Daily 3.  We have focused on Power of Ten games this week. We have learned games for Math By Myself and Math With Someone.  

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer.  I'm in the process of confirming volunteering times this week.  Thanks for your patience during our busy start up. 

I hope everyone is signed up to Fresh Grade and receiving updates on your child's progress.  

And with that, we are all ready for another exciting week in grade two!

Saturday 5 September 2015

Week 1!
September is a very busy month as we are all getting back into our routines at home and school.  Please take a moment to have a look at our calendar for this month as we have many activities in our first month of the school year.  You can link to the calendar here September Calendar  I am looking forward to meeting all our parents at “Meet the Creature BBQ” this month.  Those of you who cannot attend, I look forward to meeting you soon.

Birthday's are celebrated in class with our grade two friends.   August birthdays are celebrated in September and July birthdays are celebrated in June as "Merry Unbirthdays".   

                               Water bottles
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to have at their desk to drink throughout the day.  Please ensure that the bottle has a non-spill lid.  Students will bring home their water bottles each day to be cleaned an refilled at home.  

Students are allowed to chew sugar-free gum in our classroom.  Gum must be kept in their mouths and must be disposed of properly in the garbage.  If gum starts to appear under tables or on the floor then we will revisit allowing gum chewing in class.  As a class we have discussed that this is a privilege not a right.

Throughout the school year we will come together as a school family to take part in liturgies.  Please remember that you are always welcome to join us.

Check out these grade two smartie pants!

 We did our first Making Words lesson this week.  We made the seven letter work pockets!
 We did some sound friend puzzles to review the consonant P and the short vowel u.

 Mr.  Berg, our school counsellor and resident magician came to share a story and some magic tricks with us.

Some students who have lace up shoes are having a hard time tying them.  If you could practice this at home with your child it would save them a great deal of frustration.  Here is a neat video on how to tie your laces quickly.

Communication is the key to your child’s success this year. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me at 998-7777 or lesleyh@eics.ab.ca.

Enjoy a wonderful Labour Day long weekend!