Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Friday 4 September 2015

Welcome to 2H!  

Here are a few things to set you up for success in grade two this year.  

In the past, a monthly classroom newsletter was sent home  to keep parents up to date and encourage the students to share at home what they are learning at school.   I have a blog in place of newsletters.  Please follow me online by clicking the email button at the bottom of the blog page  http://holt1995.blogspot.ca Doing this will allow any new posts on the blog to be sent directly to your email account.  That means that busy parents don't have to remember to check the blog.  A link to the blog is also available at the school website if you choose not to have the blog updates sent to your email account and the blog address is on the inside cover of your child's agenda.

Book orders will be sent each month.  Please be aware that I can only accept cheques-no cash please.

Behaviour difficulties are prevented by ensuring children know the expectations before they are required to follow them.  Here are a few of our co-constructed classroom guideline and expectations.

Use quiet voices inside.  Why?  It is hard to think and hear others talking when it is loud.

Walk inside and stay at your desk when the teacher is out of the room.  Why?  It is important to keep ourselves and others safe.

Raise your hand to speak.  Why?  It is respectful not to interrupt each other.

Look, listen and wait your turn to speak.  Why?  It is considerate to let people know we care about what they are saying.

Follow the “Rules for Good Listening” example.  Why?  It is helpful to work in an environment where we can all learn and not be distracted. 

Clean up after yourself and wash hands after visiting the bathroom.  Why?  Being responsible for ourselves and our things shows how grown up we are.

Ask to leave the classroom.  Why?  So the teacher knows where you are.

Use words, don’t hurt others. Why?  So people know how you feel and can help you.

Behaviour Management 
The word discipline comes from the word disciple, which means follower or learner.  Discipline requires modeling or setting an example of the behaviour that we want children to learn and follow.  Discipline requires consistency, commitment and an attitude of calmness.  My practices are firm, fair and promote self-worth.  If problems arise children will be redirected to more appropriate behaviours.  

We will use The Zones of Regulation to help us monitor of emotions, manage our responses and self-regulate our behaviours. 

Class rewards will be earned by filling a our classroom Mr.  Potato Head.  Once a Mr.  Potato Head has been filled we will celebrate our good choices with a student agreed upon class reward. 

Agendas will be sent home nightly with students to
share with you.  The agenda will list the student’s tasks for the evening.  Please initial once tasks are completed.  Agendas must be returned to school every day.  This is also a great way for you to communicate with me.  Please do not print in the section that the students will need to use to write their message for the next day.

Students will bring home reading to share with you each evening.  Please enjoy this time with your child.  We are trying to create lifelong readers who read for pleasure.  
If home reading is becoming stressful please contact me and we can explore ways to relive some of the stress for both you and your child.  There are three ways to read a book with your child.

Please record your reading and sign your child's reading sheet each evening.  At the end of the month your child will return the sheet to school.  The fridge is a great place to keep the reading sheet so that your child can take ownership for bringing you the sheet to initial once they have completed the date and title of their book.  Please feel free to write any comments you feel might be useful for me in the space provided on the recording sheet.

Reading is an important part of your child’s education, therefore the students can bring home a book or pick a book from home to read each night.  The same book may be read more than once.  This serves as practice and reinforcement of reading skills which will be assessed in class.  Please do not be alarmed if your child chooses to bring home the same book several times.  Although this may be boring for adult readers this is developmentally appropriate for children this age and promotes confident fluent readers.

At the beginning of each week the students will be given a list of commonly used decodable and rule breaker words. They will work with those words in class all week using a variety of activities.  At the end of each week each student will be responsible for creating sentences using words from their word work.   

I encourage anyone who can help in the classroom to do so.  I ask that you let me know in advance so that I can properly prepare for your visit.  Ideas for classroom volunteers:
-cutting or glueing at home
-helping out on field trips or presentations
-playing math games
-read a favourite family storybook
-share an occupation, hobby, craft, collection or special interest
-baking or cooking a favourite recipe with the children
All forms of volunteering are greatly appreciated and encouraged!

Assessment across the curriculum is done on an ongoing basis.  Progress reports are provided to keep parents informed between report cards.  The progress reports will include self, peer and teacher assessments.  We will be using Fresh Grade this year to keep you informed of your child's progress each week.  

Please contact me directly if you have any concerns or questions.  
780 998 7777  lesleyh@eics.ab.ca