Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Friday 11 September 2015

Week 2!

Wow! Another week into the school year and we've been very busy!  Thank you to everyone who made it out to our Meet the Teacher Night this week.  For those of you who didn't make it, please feel free to come by the classroom and pay us a visit.  Our door is always open!
                      Aidan was our first star student of the year. 

This week we started Daily 5.  This is a way to create responsible independent learners in charge of their learning.  
To prepare we discussed the three ways to read a book.
We discussed Good Fit books and then picked books to put into our book boxes.  Please continue the discussion of what a Good Fit book is at home when your child brings home their reading choice.

We each have a book box that contain our good fit books.

We worked on building our stamina.  We are at 7 minutes of Read To Self.

We discovered that some of us like to hear ourselves read so we use Toobaloos so that we don't disturb others when we Read to Self.

The students started bringing their home reading home this week.   The book should come to school each day to be traded in or to read in class.  They also brought home a recording sheet that should be completed each night and returned to school at the end of the month.

We graphed our birthdays.

 We read "The Crayon Box That Talked" and celebrated the gifts that we each bring to our grade two class.

In math we have been working on learning math games for our Math Daily 3.  We have focused on Power of Ten games this week. We have learned games for Math By Myself and Math With Someone.  

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer.  I'm in the process of confirming volunteering times this week.  Thanks for your patience during our busy start up. 

I hope everyone is signed up to Fresh Grade and receiving updates on your child's progress.  

And with that, we are all ready for another exciting week in grade two!