Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Monday 15 February 2016

Week 21!
Mr.  Walker came to talk to us about Lent.

 We explored curling this week in gym.

 We worked on equal and not equal in math this week.

 We also practiced making numbers with our base tens.
 We added numbers up to 100 using base tens.

 We had come dry ice in the classroom this week which was a cause for great excitement!
 We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with some delicious pancakes.

 We had a beautiful liturgy for Ash Wednesday lead by the grade 1D and 2Ad classes.
We have started out Lenten journey in class.  Please ask your child what we are doing each day as we journey towards Easter.

We worked on some "lovely" art that was sent home for Valentine's Day.

 We had a heart search.  83 numbered hearts were hidden throughout the classroom.  
 Students found the numbered hearts and created a number line using the hearts.

 After they created the number line they identified the pattern then odd and even numbers.
 We divided up our hearts by colour and counted how many purple hearts we had.
 Then we counted up how many pink hearts we had and how many red hearts we had.  We then did some adding and subtracting using numbers up to 83.  We even figured out how many hearts we would get if we divided up all 83 hearts between 23 students.  

Happy Family Day!