Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday 17 September 2016

A great start!

A great start!

Here is what our classroom looked like to start the year.
Check out how it looks now that we have discovered how we learn best.  Some students sit, some stand, some kneel and some even bounce.  

As we set up our learning environment and learned more about how we grow our brain best, some students have discovered they learn best while sitting on an exercise ball.  I own three for my classroom and students rotate who gets a turn to use them.  If you would like to purchase one for your child in the classroom I'm happy to have your child bring it to class for their exclusive use.  This is a conversation you should have at home with your child before investing in an exercise ball.  You can read more about the use of exercise balls in the classroom at this link. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/13/bounce-it-out-students-on-exercise-balls-concentra/

What a terrific start to the new school year!  Check out these eager grade two scholars.  


We read and wrote about the first day of school.

We started out doing some math about ourselves and learning that we use numbers everyday.

 We played some friendship bingo with our other grade two friends in 2A to make new friends and revisit older friendships.

 We practiced our cutting and glueing while getting a little creative with our David projects after we read  "David Goes to School".  You can enjoy the story again here.

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our Meet the Teacher BBQ!

 Thank you to the people who have volunteered to help out in our classroom this year.  We still have several spots available for helping out.  If you would like to help out in our class please email me with days and times you would like to come into our classroom.
I encourage anyone who can help in the classroom to do so.  I ask that you let me know in advance so that I can properly prepare for your visit.  Ideas for classroom volunteers:
-cutting or glueing at home
-helping out on field trips or presentations
-playing math games
-read a favourite family storybook
-share an occupation, hobby, craft, collection or special interest
-baking or cooking a favourite recipe with the children
All forms of volunteering are greatly appreciated and encouraged!

As mentioned in the 2H handbook, bringing a spill proof water bottle to school is very important for brain work.  Taking instructional time to mop up spills, fill water bottles or visit the water fountain several times a day does not set students up for success.  Please encourage your child bring a filled spill proof water bottle to class each day so that we can limit the amount of instructional time missed.  
Water is an important ingredient when we are doing the important business of growing our brain.  If you are interested in reading more about the importance of drinking water when learning please visit the following link http://www.healthybrainforlife.com/articles/school-health-and-nutrition/feeding-the-brain-for-academic-success-how 

The first Scholastic book order forms have been sent home.  Please be aware that only cheques and online orders can be processed.
Please be aware that students can chew sugar free gum in class to help them focus and remain on task.  I suggest the students limit their gum intake to no more than four pieces a day.  Misuse of gum will be discussed when necessary.

Please be sure to sign up for blog updates to be sent directly to your email.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page.  Keep scrolling until you can scroll no more and you will see this box
fill in your email and submit.  I'm looking forward to sharing all the interesting ways we grow our brains in class throughout the year.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at lesleyh@eics.ab.ca or 780 998 7777.