Justine was our star student this week!
Justine would like to be a bus driver when she grows up.
We celebrated another couple of smarty pants who earned their Lexia certificates this week.
Miss Sebastianelli read us this lovely story.
We finished our snowman art that we started last week with Miss Sebastianelli. Each project was unique and demonstrated wonderful creativity
The students took the opportunity to do some creative writing to accompany their art.
We participated in a presentation put on by the John Howard Society.
We discovered how we can each be responsible citizens.
Tripp shared his seal and beaver gloves from Nunavut. Tripp was kind enough to give me a beautiful pair of beaver mittens. The students were fascinated with how warm the mittens were!
In science this week we worked on balancing cargo in a boat to make sure or boats didn't tip over.
Later in the week we worked on planning our boat designs.
The we started to build our boats and test them. Each boat had to float, carry cargo and move in the water.
In religion we talked about the importance of seeing and celebrating joy in the world around us. We made joy candles and next week we'll finish our joy poster.
Sadly, due to bus cancelations on Friday we did not get to do our Inuit presentation but we will reschedule for another day.
Wednesday is Miss Sebastianelli's last day with us and we'll be having a small celebration in the afternoon. Please remember to send a small snack for your child to enjoy in the afternoon and a game to share if they would like.
Winter has most definitely arrived and students must come dressed for the weather with mittens, hats, snow pants, boots and jackets.
The December calendar has been posted on our classroom page via the school website.
December 3rd is Sparkle & Shine Day for early out Wednesday.
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at lesleyh@eics.ab.ca or 780 998 7777