Week 30!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Each student received an Easter egg on their return to class after the Easter break.
We made crosses to celebrate Easter when we returned to school.
We watched An Easter Carol which return the story of Easter and we compared it to another familiar story, A Christmas Carol.
We made a human thermometer in science.
We had to work together to put ourselves in order.
Here is our human thermometer.
More students earned their banana splits this week!
We had to take science outdoors this week to complete a spring scavenger hunt to prepare for Earth Day and our new science unit about small living things.
We also discussed ways to protect our environment.
Students brought home this note about yearbooks this week.
We ended our week with a beautiful mass at Our Lady of the Angels church in the morning...
and a lovely musical concert in the afternoon.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 780 998 7777 or lesleyh@eics.ab.ca.