Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 7 December 2014

Week 13!
This week we celebrated Cohen as our star student!
 When he grows up he'd like to be a gas fitter while continuing to entertain friends and family with his wonderful singing.
Advent started this week and we lit our first candle, the candle of hope, using the Advent wreaths we made.

More Lexia certificates were earned this week. Well done!  Keep up the hard work grade two!
Each morning throughout Advent we gather in the gym to do our Advent calendar and be lead in singing "Violets in the Snow" by Mrs. Comartin.

We finished our angel poster and displayed it in the hallway for others to enjoy.
We completed our soapstone art with some friends from 2AD.

Our school choir not only entertained family and friends but they also brought a little Christmas cheer to the residents of Dr.  Turner Lodge.

On Wednesday we said goodbye to Miss Sebstianelli and celebrated Sparkle and Shine Day!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the gift for Miss Sebastianelli and especially to Sara Chappel for putting together a fabulous gift basket for Miss Sebastianelli.
Miss Sebastianelli brought in some very special guest for her last day with us.  Her  mom and dad came to celebrate and so did two chickens and two chicks!

Miss Sebastianelli read us a book about chickens and chicks.  
They also brought in a birthday cake to celebrate Miss Sebasatianelli's birthday which was on Dec. 2.
 The cake was delicious!

In the afternoon we played games with Miss Sebastianelli and enjoyed a snack before we went home for early out.

Although our journey with Miss Sebastianelli is over and we will miss her we will forever keep her in our hearts and prayers.  We wish her well in her as she works towards a classroom of her own.
We finished our final boat and buoyancy project.  Each student perfected their pervious boat making to create the "Ultimate Boat".

Finally, after a very busy week, we made it to Friday to celebrate our class reward day with a Pajama Day!
We also were treated to a terrific performance of "Rumpelstiltskin" by the Alberta Opera.