Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t give only your care, but give your heart as well –Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday 30 October 2016

Week 10!
The November classroom calendar is available https://stj.eics.ab.ca/eteachers/4731/mrs-holt

Our Reading Buddies from St. JP II came for a visit again.  This is such a great opportunity for young readers to be inspired and mentored by older students who want to share their love of literacy.

We explored what scientists do.
 We continued to explore our emotions and how they relate to what we have learned about the Zones of Regulation.

We are continuing to work on managing our footwear so that we are creating a safe hallway for everyone.  The first photo is what our goal is for our shoes shelf and the second photo shows where we are at on our journey of learning to put our shoes away.  
The RCMP and Block Parents came to talk to us about Halloween Safety this week.
 The students created a wonderful display with their Inuit projects.  Individual projects were posted on Freshgrade.
 Mrs.  Melnyk came to share her love of reading with the book "The Day the Crayons Quit".
 Pumpkin Day was a hit!  We started out the day with a floating and sinking experiment.

 We worked on alphabetical order.
 We worked on even and odd numbers.
 We worked with contractions.

 We made a list of adjectives to describe our pumpkin.
 We read a pumpkin story...
then we designed a pumpkin based on one of the characters.
 We created goofy pumpkins.

 We did some pumpkin math by weight pumpkins,

 finding the circumference of pour pumpkin, 
 and measuring the height of our pumpkin.
 Finally, we carved our pumpkins!  

 Check out the amazing creativity and artistry of these pumpkins!

On Friday I sent home a note explaining our Halloween festivities for Monday.  Students are asked to bring their costume in the morning and will be given time after lunch to dress up for the afternoon.   We will go to the gym for the school Halloween costume parade at 1:00pm.  
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me.